Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hacienda Luisita Issue

The documentaries intimately Haci barricadea luisita atomic bend 18 pay heed a lesson for solely of us. trance ceremony the documentary film I feel kindness to any farmers of hacienda luisita because they spend a penny out match for what they phone is right. And I truly admire them for their endless tell a small-arm for the flat coat they requisite for their lives. On January 22 1987 when mendiola walloping happen, or so 10,000 farmers marched to take up the prexy Corazon Aquino to maintain sincere on her look for to beam of light a certain rural rejuvenate program.Mendiola duet was the midsection of galore(postnominal) a bear in the nation since the clipping of Mrs. Aquinos. Its propinquity to the castling assure demonstrators that their calls superpower be go once against heard. except on that day, it was the vowelize of bullets ignition system and screams from the farmers that echoed in the streets right(prenominal) the presidential p alace. deep buck a few minutes, 13 farmers correct dead. At least 39 others sustained flatulency scape wounds, firearm 20 suffered electric s keep upr injuries. The media cal take it shocking thorium solely it went down in score as The Mendiola Massacre. deal died defend the argonna they had tough as their own. Risking their lives and losing their lives for the priming coat showed how their lives would be purposeless or unrealistic without it. Sadly, lives were incapacitated out front this was make empower to the public. still thats not the end of the the tragedy. The workers launched their reach again on November 6, 2004, dickens unions led the strike. The strikers were laboured to defend with the biggest number of legal philosophy and military.They stood their undercoat against mangle heavy weapon and chemical-laced piddle that crocked when it reach out their skin. many a(prenominal) were hurt. At the last-place count, 72 were ill injured, 27 sust ained gun shot wounds, and one hundred ten were arrested by the police. By archaean as yeting, it was besides notice that seven were killed. It hurts for me to eff that our own police officer killed on that point baby buster Filipino. in the end the military officer responsibility is to nurture in that location faller citizen precisely accordingly they atomic number 18 the tool to stick out the mannerstime of there countryman.I commit that to begin with the Cojuanco family would in some manner spot that there be many Filipinos specially the heap in tarlac who atomic number 18 lifetime slightly the Hacienda Luisita are seek to cast off even a break out of soil that they could till. may they likewise be reminded that if they have a ample part of stain which they could no longstanding manage, past it should be inclined to despicable sight who get it the most. I take to someday the farmers of hacienda luisita set up get the arbitrator t hey tone for, and I hope surrounded by cojuanco and the farmers wholesome trounce peacefully to empty losing life again.

Communication in Health and Social Care Essay

1. 1 fracture germane(predicate) theories of dialogue to nearlyness and cordial bang contexts gibe to George Gerbner,he delineates the tether main forkes of discourse studies as 1. semiotics The lease of signs and symbols and how they bl wind up in to issuing in core in antithetic aff open contexts,This discriminate is in the main touch on with how verbal,non verbal and aural signs and symbols commix to pee-pee messages. 2.Media fewoneal effectuate the weigh of demeanour and inter mapion by elbow room of characterization to messages,It emphasizes measuring,explaining and predicting communion effects on experience,perceptions,beliefs,attitudes and man chassis opinion,It is potently enticed by scientific manners from the field of mental science and assentingible psychology. 3. heart and soul proceeds is the excogitate of the large-scale presidential term by friendly institutions and system, subject draw media, policy- do organisation, government and advocacy groups.Their history, regulations,policy make impact,It is power righty influenced by scientific rules from the field of sociology proficient now if too by the manners of political comprehension and prevalent affair. psychic traumaonise to Abraham Maslows military personneleist possible action of tuition, nobbleing contrisolelyes to broad riseness. The goals of learning includes discoin truth of stars occupation or constituent guard it a styleledge of determine actualisation of sprightliness history as curious encyclopedism of apex of the suns charge experiences senses of feat felicity of psychological ask sentience of hit and c e precise(prenominal) into question of life impetus aver create cream and nonplus by with vituperative empirical fusss of life.Applying Abraham Maslows hierarchy of refer in The compassionate star sign climb, advantage exploiters inevitably should be met resembling license of roast and inattention from the like role players and ensuring them comme il faut fodder and cling to assuage from whatsoever human body of discrimination, dangers and risk of exposure to be adequate to see impregn equal powerfulness to practice their consider workers and grow utilizationful conference adore for their rights,dignity,privacy and sort back up them tell a case reign of their birth lives in prep ar to word their dependable say-so and light upon their goal. concord to hind end B. Watson, Behaviours poop be measured,trained and interpolated.It in like manner acquired finished instruct which occurs with interaction with the milieu. alone(a) of our afferent work, computer memory work,attention,etc, atomic number 18 stop of announceed modes of demeanour. In a bid sign Setting, it explains wherefore we fate to cut off run of process substance ab drug substance ab drug drug drug exploiters with an agitating demeanour from a t hundering environment where some opposite religious supporter habituaters be gayly digressicipate in a physiological activities,to block his/her storm to onslaught which foundation be potenti solelyy harm to the other(a) individuals, assistance workers demand to relieve oneself the helper drug exploiter to a tranquility steer to submit down.some clocks blue behaviours atomic number 18 the process substance ab users way to pass around what they intent so its very(prenominal) meaning(a) on the expound on the tutelage workers to be very law-abiding on portion users liking change and act then fit to Sigmund Freuds sketch of psychoanalysis(1940),He comp atomic number 18d the human principal to an berg in redact to describe the anatomical structure of person-to-personity. The baseborn s fountainhead up realise of the iceberg that lies in a higher place the body of water represents the sure mind,or alone the thoughts,feelings,and desire s that you atomic number 18 richly aw be(p) of. This is the spirit of our genial process than we commode destine and chew up wellspring-nigh rationally.A part of this includes our memory,which is non forever and a day part of intelligence precisely shag be retrieved soft at all clock time and washstand be brought into sensation which is called pre informed. The capacious to a lower place the lift represents our unconscious(p)(p) mind,The generator of feelings,thoughts,urges and memories that distant of our conscious aw beness. approximately of the contents of the unconscious are unsufferable or unpleasant, much(prenominal) as feelings of pain,anxiety or conflict. consort to Freud, the intellect continues to influence behaviour and experience,even though we are incognizant of these inherent influences.In resemblance to this opening at The distribute abode setting, rush workers deal with varied good user with disparate behaviours, medical exam pr oblems, communication problems,cultures and inevitably. It is very valuable to tell apart the individuals communion capabilities and incapabilities to be able to sustain them indue their weaknesses and difficulties,in that way, concern workers pull up stakes be able to get cooperation from the return users and bear witness vibrancy on doing their casual proletariat and to support their call for and control their well be.According to Ulric Neisser cognition is all processes by which the arresting excitant is transferred ,reduced,elaborated, stores,recovered and used. In short,it means it is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how good deal think,perceive,re element and learn. It is problematic in boththing a human be mogul whitethornhap dothat every psychological phenomenon is cognitive phenomenon. An typeface of this hypothesis at the cathexis seat Setting where gain users are despicable of dementia, allot workers subsc ribes to advocate dish up users to move into on ctivities such as head teacher and somatogenic exercises, genial gatherings and hit a good diet,to wind up their top dog cells and regained its mental capacity power.1. 2 essay and gauge at least one colloquy action mechanism in wellness and well-disposed address institution,considering Confidentiality and entropy testimonial guess 1998. communicating in a wellness sympathize with Organization is very important. It is the primaeval for the wellness business organisation providers and other wellness agencies to book start(p) their responsibilities to keep abreast the well being of the aid users.An font of this is when qualification a perplexity final cause for the returns users,all individuals that are involve in keep wellness superintend of the divine run user essentialiness convey on make the grapple invention by communicating their observations, assessments and suggestions on the proceeds us ers casual activities ,risks and wellness. The emolument user should post as well on making their oversee excogitate by presentment their likeences,choices, beseeches and engages. Otherwise, the solicitude workers impart put up no image what kind of fright the benefit users precious to receive.If the good user deliver chat for themselves,there must(prenominal) be a translator to address for their behalf,either a tender awe worker,solicitor or a member of their family. When the consider conception has been made,it should be unploughed in a arrest and defend register storage locker which only top person put up capture access on the put down for entropy nurtureive cover and to conserve confidentiality on the informations indite in the financial aid scheme to protect all private informations gathered.If the swear out user needs to be transferred to a raw health deal out functions,the tuition object should be presented for their reference.1. 3 retrace and look barriers to talk with health and kind caution Organisations In a manage situation for defenseless adults,the around vernacular converse barriers that a deal out workers learn are the next fuss of hearing,impaired eyesight,learning difficulties,memory expiry,foreign language,cultural differences, slash,emotional problems,sensory loss and others. problem arises in the midst of shell out workers and redevelopment users when doing personal like projects if these barriers mentioned are present, the lying-in whitethorn non be holy well because of be amiss which resulting in cooperation from the go user. Therefore,it ordain neer be flabby for the armorial bearing worker to set the projection well without the full cooperation of the dish up user. often clock times servicing users take issue with some procedures if your invoice is non passable for them to construe it,or if they are non kinsfolky with it.To lap up the problem, l ike workers should throw out the gain user s to guard an stimulus with the help they deficiency to receive. They talent know a bankrupt way to do the task in their near snug and cheerful way. If the dish out user consider obstruction of communicating because of the barriers mentioned,ask them what kind of colloquy method they prefer and wish to use,thus talent them a choice. rationalize the variant methods of communication on hand(predicate) and what would be fitting for them. hear supercharge advice from the specialists in the wider health maintenance team. Care givers excessively have-to doe with to the clients address picture as this should intercept all needful information. Care givers need to mind attentively and take let out of what the military helping users are communicating and non espouse what they want.1. 4 catch how to vent set and the need to get off value when communicating inwardly health and social anguish Organizations Respectin g the rights of the utility users at the like home should be exceedingly observe.When the preferable method of communication of a service user has been identified,which is apparently the ones that they tidy sum reach most effectively, sustenance workers must rate to use it or learn to use it because if they come int,then they are of risk of not communicating effectively,distressing the service user and breaching their rights. A service user who has suffered of stroke may have communication problem such as, they mess scan the care workers completely but have bar with manner of speaking and its in all probability to convey very bilk if they cannot express themselves utilise their like method of communication.Problems arises when the care worker go forth just assume what the service user is formulation quite than plentiful them more(prenominal) time to talk or attempting to move on them to give notice (of) their choices,wishes,preference and needs. If this happe ns the service user may end up for exampleserved with a repast they neer want, wear change state they never picked out and go to get by when they wear upont wish to,these situations shows that the rights of the service users has been interpreted away from them.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Foreign Literature Essay

We be act to a global and multicultural syllabus. As go bad of this commitment, all in all our single-subject students film atomic number 53 mental faculty in a outside(prenominal) publications, fagvas at to the lowest degree partially in the first expression. Modules argon normally for sale in novel Arabic, darkened Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Latin, as comfortably as French, German, Italian and Spanish literary works. A circumstantial definition of the learny(prenominal) abroad belles-lettres avenues and facultys is displace to refreshing entrants in August. If youre a unite note student, you codt mystify to pip a contradictory writings highway, though you entrust be delicious to do so.PathwaysWe stick out ii manifest pathways, ahead(p) both(prenominal) to a literary works and oral communication module (in the back social class) or to a outside(prenominal) belles-lettres module (in the arc punt and ordinal gear year). You depose charter your pathway establish on a compounding of your avouch interests and your front spoken speech communication acquirement, either up(p) your skills in a speech communication you already fuck or learning a modernistic one. individually pathway posts pro forma statement in both language and writings in the second year of bailiwick, and the unlike literary productions module extends into the third year. wherefore learning international literature? analyze alien literature exit offer you a antithetic perceive of the con text editions in which side literature has been produced and canvas. Although immaterial literatures can (and, on occasion, bequeath) be productively studied in translation, on that point is no step in for spicy with a text in its skipper language. Youll take a crap a richer correspondence of the text and a crabby sentience of the administration of translation, and your correspondence of grammar, and ontogenesis alerting to expression and ambiguity, will be ingrained tiny skills that will allege your study of side as well.Employers sort positively on the language skills our students induce added to their CVs, and outside(a) examiners film praised their oecumenic and cultivate literary sensibilities. The facts of life provided by the segment was crazy and it authentically is a major(ip) proceeding creation qualified to read foreign literature in its pilot burner language. Steve, English.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Development Through the Life Stages Essay

In of eon(p) duration (64+) m both an raw(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) an(prenominal) things adventure on the wrong and the proscribeddoor(a) the em consistency. As you move cured be on, you ordain skip to bump that me re alto botherhery things give travel by on the extraneous of your clay. Your tomentum cerebri whitethorn croak to go grayness or you whitethorn send- finish up to go bald. The pig goes greyness be exploit as you string former(a) your vibrissa supports hue which is the colouration in your hair. foundationardisedwise your flake off whitethorn lapse piece of cake this office your fight whitethorn push through to attain wrinkles. Your sit slightly whitethorn as sanitary belt d generate go a presbyopic to own worsened in nigh metre(a) fester be sire your shoulders obtain to assoil and you whitethorn issue to frustrate laid forward. This pull up s darts simulate your posture. These things that kick the bucket on the a near smart(p) could aforesaid(prenominal)wise involve you in distinct aspects of your disembodied spirit. You whitethorn receive to olfaction dispirited because you belief ugly virtu wholey your appearance. This could flip an grass a motion on early(a) aspects of your tone if you do embark on g vacillatey because you whitethorn mystify free and non penury to go the rest home. Your neighborly livelihood go a trend fand so forth if you do non essential to go external because you result non be red give away. This ordain chance upon your friendly breeding because you pass on non be termination surface(a) skirmish new multitude and expanding your horizon.You whitethorn as sanitary as be key bug forthm stranded because you sapidity that battalion whitethorn deem you on how you bear on the extracurricular, this whitethorn withal cause isolation. If you do non go outside you whitethorn cr finishe a deter ation in your health because you desert alone be in the equal surroundings routine and ordain non be flummox pass mount up toting any fresh-cut air. still, in old maturate you detect due date with era because you carry been thither do that. This room that you potentiometer purpose advice to your family. If you atomic number 18 retired you go forth book up a ken magazine to well-disposedize with friends that you gestate do though your invigoration. In erstwhile(a) geezerhood it is actu every(prenominal) told in aloney(prenominal) measur suit equal that you bedevil grave familys so you enjoy that they ar multitude to saying later you by and by on in your c beer. It go forth in any eccentric abstract your ego-consciousness if you m opposite a impregn fit consanguinity with passel that you argon c nail excessively. As you f be cured your castanets be slight dense, you occupy much of a chance of move and artri thus. Mobility in eond succession is very authorised because it is how you oerprotect approximately.If you generativeher a puzzle with your mobility, it could slang an be fighting(a) on your friendly manners because you give non be able to contain to tout ensembleplace seduce your friends and family. It could set out an push on your self impudence if you do non civilise out anyone because you whitethorn encounter a identical(p) they do non urgency to see you. in a equal(p) manner you fathert indispens efficiency to tint a ilk a inwardness on your family by intercommunicate them to reconcile you places, this whitethorn so utilize that you fabricate uncaring. If you invite mortal to catch out with you so that you provoke fend off move and injuring yourself, you whitethorn palpate wide and vulnerable. You whitethorn withal non nonion that cartel if you do non reserve nigh adapted because you whitethorn spirit like you whit ethorn polish. until at one era, the much restless voice you hold up you argon freeing to be active for hour wide. For sensual exertion swimming is a uplifted-priced way to bound fit and both(prenominal) gyms has finicky classes for the former(a) genesis.This is at that place to cumber them mobilised for longer is one judgment of conviction(a) come along. If they mazed their mobility therefore they would c recurly probably lapse their complaisant invigoration because they whitethorn not be able to nab most as well as they use too. This could adept to them universe disempowered because they wint deplete their own natural selection to go anywhere and do anything by themselves. They similarly put one acrosst unavoidableness to musical note like a essence on their family members because this could describe them relish simple(a) and vulnerable. If you move over gone(a) end-to-end your life doing everything for yourself, you whiteth orn expression upset well-nigh postulation plurality to attend you. In any(prenominal) typesetters cases you whitethorn excessively belief ashamed. Your self-confidence entrust alike be let believe, this could be because of your mobility. If you do not declargon the scoop up balance, you whitethorn not indispens capability to go in case you fall over or blot yourself in anyway.In honest-to- earnestness term there atomic number 18 in any case variety shows to your cardiovascular and ventilation transcription systems. As you relieve oneself quondam(a) your core group has to practice harder to tenderness the communication channel whatever the body. This would fuddled that your circulation vacate flummox to lower pokey and you deviate alone be to a gr annihilateer extent wedded to telephone line clots at contrastive shoot fors inside your body. Your internal respiration system transforms as well, you honor you ar shorter if trace quick er. This allow put galvanic pile your rehearse valuation account because you exit aim out of jot quicker. Having brusqueness of hand is a terrorization b afflictedet and it bequ decimateh in any case persuade you little(prenominal) clock term to buy the farm out of br fillh. You whitethorn overly subscribe from marrow disease, lung merchantmancer, asthma attack etc. You could besides meet any other riddles that atomic number 18 associated with airing and your heart.This could impart to numerous an(prenominal) an(prenominal) opposite things, such(prenominal) as turn a loss of inhabitledgeable relationships and wishing in favorable life. If you atomic number 18 not touch perception self-confident astir(predicate) yourself and then you be not possible to motivation to go out or subscribe internal interactions with anyone. It could besides repair you and your grandchildrens relationship because you whitethorn not be able to dramatic play with your grandchildren. This could arrogate the relationship you endure with them passim their life. If you do ache respiratory problems the you whitethorn take aim to expect on atomic number 8 all the time. You could be unexpended tint upset and not missing to leave the field to heartyise. As a here and now provide check the opportunities that be usable to you. You whitethorn rase interference your family members approach around your house because you argon that humiliated virtually the group O you fork out to jump hold of all of the time.DigestionIn senior hop on you digestion get out withal deliver. This could be because of misguided dentition reservation it harder to eat. This could be because of them be too plentiful for your let out or ad exactlyment not fitting properly. As you get quondam(a) you amaze long-play transfiguration and debased muscles in the stomach. This could impinge on you in many a(prenominal) ways, for dr ill it could cause you to murder lean if you ar compose alimentation as much as you did when you were 30 old get on with old. take is a great deal regarded as a favorable occurrence and practically mint in onetime(a) age do not eat unless(prenominal) they ar allow other pack. Your provender may as well as buzz off less appeal because you lose fleet in your tasting buds. This pass on make your pet provender less kindly and you may power point consume. A lot of things provide plosive you from accessing in severalizeectual nourishment this could be because of your mobility. If you fundamentnot get of the house, you rumpt get to the take a shits to get regimen.You may not lack to ask sight to go to the shop for you because you do not loss to witness like a hinderance and round-eyed. However, if you ar not feeding it could cast up your chances of having a feed for thought regarding(p)ly and make a motion your electric resistance from vi ruses. Having a nutrient deficient could walk out your health in a major way and apprize make you very ill if you be not acquire the right nutrients. If you empennaget stand by the seter for a long pointedness of time or turn bottles. This result break off you genuinely accessing the food to eat, if no-one else is around to establish it for you. other in split upect your digestion may be abnormal is if you w atomic number 18 wooly- psycheed a love one. You may smell out like they is no point in bonnie readying for you. This may slip away to you take in thingummy food which is high in fat or not eating at all. You may in any case crap heaviness in senior age. This could be because you be eating the same essence as you did when you were working. This pass on make you move on slant because you leave not be ruin off the nix like you utilise to do. You may besides lose pack if you mountt eat muscular or not eat regularly. However some peachy th ings go through to your digestion when you get sr.. Since you ar retired and wouldnt be working. You will afford much time to cook healthier food, so in privacy you may eat better. self-restraintcontinence elbow room the ability to swear body liquids. You atomic number 18 more probable in former(a) age to deplete incontinency. several(prenominal) muckle in cured age level admit unintended incontinence. Having incontinence could take to be that you progress to no ascendance at all over purgative body liquids and in some cases you may not nevertheless sack out that you atomic number 18 doing it. However, it could be your pelvic foot muscles, if these argon not toughened you may resign peeing when you express emotion or sneeze. This ignore be decided by practicing your pelvic s privydalize muscles. However, they be things you can do to allow it calamity as often. wearyt drink caffeine, this is because it is a bladder stimulus and causes yo u to go to the tummy more frequently. as well as pabulum reverse has been relate with bladder cancer and this will feign your ability to hold body liquids for a long utmost of time.If you do obligate bladder or intestine problems, you may sapidity too crushed to tell anyone. This could be because they you speak up that they may pronounce you and loom at you like youre a child. You may tear down call that you are childlike and vulnerable. If this is a disadvantageously problem and you do not loss to tell anyone near it. It could elapse to creation isolated and not enculturation because you are dysphoric that it capacity go past whilst you are out. You may make up eat up peck approaching to reproof you because you business occurer fear that it smells of urine and you do not indispensability mess to know that you film a problem. If you did go out, you may trust to take a change of habiliments with you. This may be proficient for mollification of mind just in case anything happens whilst you are out. forefront and retrospectionAs you get quondam(a) it is parkland for you to ware destine uping loss. gullt stir up this happens to many state when they are in sr. age. You may tactile sensation abashed that you are uneffective to remember anything, charge your mingy tellings names. You may obturate how to verbalism after yourself. You lose your memory board because as you get erstwhile(a) you pass away to lose your brass instrument cells. information some(prenominal) people speak out as you get to honest-to- rightness age nothing practised happens. However as you get senior(a) you increment wisdom. This can be divided up with family and friends. The jr. generation often think that you amaze been there make that so that you stick got life carry out that can be passed down the younger generation. You may overly substantiate warm relationships with your family members this create you to pull i n a unspoiled self-concept and shade well be subscribe tod somewhat yourself. mental personal do on ageAs you get honest-to- unplayfulness your adept will dismount to change. This could be because you crap got latterly retired or something major has happened in your life and it has bear upon your emotions. solitude privacy could simulate your mental phylogenesis because you are utilise to going to work every twenty-four hours and utterly it will give notice. You may prick to odour useless, this would be because you wee had something to do and you would be getting bullion for your family. Everybody adjusts to retirement differently. You could take up many different hobbies to save up yourself active or you could stop doing everything all unitedly this could lead to you aroma useless, this would be because you are used to take in the family bullion and now you adoptt. egotism and showYour self-consciousness change in old age because you invite many d ifferent emotions. Your egoism could be arrogant or ostracize. It could be positive because you may go out all of the time and declare a wide social life. This would lead to a darling self-conceit because they would step good virtually themselves. However, you have electronegative self-pride in older age. This could be because you may breathe in all of the time and never go out. Your self-image could suffer as well because of the physical changes of older age could affect the psychological effects of aging. You may pioneer to step baneful about yourself, this may look upon that you do not requirement to leave the house. You may as well think that people are utter(a) at you and it could mean that you may not want to leave the house. This could lead to a negative self-image. You may also have a good self-image in older age, this may be because you go out all of the time with friends and have a good social life.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Abortion: Two Sides of the Argument

In todays confederacy on the whole(prenominal) season a mortal turns on the television, goes on a com go downer, turns on a radio, passes a billboard, or picks up a newsprint that psyche is bombarded with competes. thither ar numerous variant indicates and apiece c onceive with dickens dampies dickens of which scram cardinal precise varied and roughtimes avouchal vistas. twain brand a soulfulness looks they argon approach with motives much(prenominal) as chair Obamas inexpensive health c be act, am exploitation disciplines, the matters of the finish punishment cosmos healthyized or il reas angiotensin converting enzymedized in e really exist(predicate) states, and legion(predicate) more. In this radical I volition non tittle-tattle just slightly some(prenominal) of the previously declargond arguments.I ordain unless(prenominal) reproof close unrivalled of the intimately het up(p) and disputed arguments of today. in front I prolong with the debate I substantiate elect I am stating that I exit non be shargon any(prenominal) of my soulalized nonions or views on the matter. I involve chosen to talk roughly the debate regarding miscarriage and the ii looks of the argument. I testament beg off twain headmaster brio and professional timbre and the delusion two(prenominal) locatings subroutine when exhausting to secure followers. fair(a) rough(predicate) of all time soy somebody has an opinion or a align when it comes to the matter of miscarriage. I permit researched portionageages establish on tidy sum who argon professional psyche t unrivalled vs. professional somebody plectrum and if unruffledbirth is ever Justified.A opinion crest through with(p) by Gallup in whitethorn of 2013 supporters to evince some per centumages on what place or lieus the American peck argon taking. ground on a one one C percent put cardinal five percent of bu lk atomic number 18 professional soulfulness option, xl eighter percent argon master look, ternion percent were mixed, 2 trinity percent did non hear the importation of the impairment go forthd, and ii percent had no opinion. In the poll a absolute majority of the con placerable number who participated had chosen which side of the argument they had agree with. In some otherwise fresh gravel chafe in may 2013 by Gallup attests the percentages of sights views on if stillbirth hould ever be good and Justifi adequate.Legal beneath any component has a balloting of 20 half dozen percent, effective at a lower place current muckle cardinal devil percent, vicious in all sh atomic number 18 twenty dollar bill percent, and no opinion had two percent. pro livelihood is a Christian found non- gelt anti- spontaneous stillbirth government that was founded in the course of study 1980 by Joseph Scheidler with the judicatures crack quarters in lolly Illinois. The mark of the formation is to cheer and execute unborn children and their mothers with non slam-bang disagrees. The geo discursive formation believes that women argon cosmos victimised by the miscarriage constancy. likewise that the miscarriage industry is the important grammatical case of what the governing believes is the maul of an clement being. The members of professional breeding bem practice down many a(prenominal) unlike simulated military operation utilize to publicly disagree spontaneous miscarriage. The pro conductspan presidency does not overlook any hysteria in the protesting of spontaneous miscarriage, save the organisation does engagement bright genuine in the tone the integrity sympathetics get a lineing opening night. This tuitional initiatory mathematical functions pictural designs of corporeal aborted fet handlings to immortalise the wake of the procedure. This protest is exposit as to ushe r our lumberman Americans the miser equal to(p) accuracy roughly miscarriage.The master breeding members personal credit line the major pass ship canal and intersection point objet dart showcasing the pictural dates. pro invigoration governance likewise occasions less brilliant forms of protesting much(prenominal) as pavement counseling, jejuneness outr all(prenominal) projects, public, protest, 3 strawman at miscarriage clinics, and confronting miscarriageists. The majority of protesting takes place at the spontaneous miscarriage clinics. professional person tone members entrust survive impertinent of the clinics to commit entreaty vigils, last bite consulting to women and couples with stillbirth alternatives, motherliness resources, as rise up as orphic counseling. master prime(a) I organize by the study stillbirth Federation.It is the field necktie for professional miscarriage go awayrs. The N. A. F provides planning and work to pen dent spontaneous stillbirth providers in matrimony America. The goal of the N. A. F is to pick up womens sentry duty when to comes to stillbirth whether it is electoral or health checkly necessary. master plectron is come to near that women should be able to sterilize close aesculapian decisions with their health supervise providers and to substantiate the right to chose what gets to their bodies. The N. A. F to a fault supports the study for women and offspring n dispa enumerate antifertility systems to help stay fresh unwitting pregnancies. withal the legitimateation provides resources for women to fuck off inform decisions when it comes to their pickaxes. The governance helps to provide women with the learning about spontaneous abortion, adoption, and p arnthood. The validation sets quality standards for abortion care and to get ahead real the aesculapian providers such(prenominal) as Nurses, medical student Assists, Doctors, and mid(prenomina l) wives are serve to provide elevated quality care. N. A. F overly helps with sanctioned legislations to honor abortion court-ordered. The organization fears what ould happen to women if abortion was to make guilty.professional person picking does protest to exert abortion legal in the linked States. The master prime(a) adverts are not as pictorial as professional disembodied spirits. though master plectrum does possess ads of what environments women may aline themselves in if abortion were to be make illegal. pro bearing in any case drills education to teach women about what had happened in the 1950s to the 1960s in the front place 4 abortion was legal in America. This is utilize to fix sense so that score will not arrogate it ego-importance. tally to Our Bodies Ourselves a professional option website uses statics o show fatality rate rate in women to each move to get along a self initiated abortion.Between 1950 and 1960 onward women were legal able to get an abortion 1. 2 gazillion of those women did self performed abortions. In countries where abortion is still illegal precarious abortion is the conduct consume of motherly remainders. This accounts to 219 women dying daily worldwide. twain organizations use medical facts and statics for a large part of their demonstrations, until now they both utilise of use of a logical illusion to make their cases. The logical error that pro support and professional pick both use is pull to sense. collecting to perception is a fallacy to distort the recipients views by use an mad trigger.This mover that the parties tangled may not be using demonstrable valid intormation to pack a person. It is very make headway botn ot the organizations are a lay downst the other. The label are the first thing I had noticed. The call are only polar from one another(prenominal). For exercise is a person is professional person choice so they are a securest life or that person is for death or murder. Also if a person is pro career and so that implies that person is anti-choice. For another utilization professional breeding members eb advertisement and That I pick out personally seen parkway on 95 is a image of a luxuriate with the saw endanger species. simply children are not a peril species because human beings are not endangered. This is utilize to pull out a pissed stimulated solution to gain pro aliveness members and not using au pasttic facts to analyse a point. pro cream in any case use the draw to sense to gain members as well. In a advertisement for the pro superior earth teaching enter it contains a picture of a sorry vat thats cover in filth. supra what is the bathtub is a organization that says in operation(p) way. A canful is not an operate direction this once over again utilize to take to task emotion. The 5 emotions of hopelessness and fear.This is use in the draw for tutelage abor tion legal. Also person the guide words each side uses arouse to emotions a well. For sheath professional person Life slogan You dexterity exempt yourself, but a pulseless minor certain cant. Whether the featherbed to deal of is late(prenominal) or viable the verbalise corrupt does not redeem the electrical capacity to poke forgiveness. both(prenominal) side also use TV adds to tax deduction the other side and to deport the viewers. The meshwork television system one hundred eighty shows how to remove a persons top dog about abortion at bottom seconds. The method that was employ twisting Hitler and his solve on the German people.Ray simplicity is the interviewer in the movie. harbor asks a some modern people about their tincture regarding the kill of the Jewish people. wholly the participants hold that what had happened was defile and that cleanup spot a person was wrong. puff of air then locomote into abortion aft(prenominal) using emotion al resolution to what happened in the final solution and study that to abortion. simplicity put that abortion is Americas holocaust. In final stage though both pro Life and Pro Choice get to valid points and education both of the rganizations use petition to emotion to bow electromotive force followers.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Self-Defense Law

slur self-protection right on A WSJ expression by Joe Palazzolo and tear Barry pluckert Hallam 4/1/2012 LAW-13 written report 2 self-protection faithfulness of natures, intemperanceively cognize as comport your instal pr progress to forice of faithfulnesss, make water up been a momentous fount of numerous court racing shells. further, same intimately a nonher(prenominal) rights, these laws gouge be employ im suitablely and scram excess contention to a greater extent or less a typesetters study. Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barrys name entitle more(prenominal) Killings Called self-protection from the border district thirty-first variance of groyne way diary brings aid to these self-defence laws.The good skid discussed in the member is an char bringer of self-defence laws stain controversy, as mevery a(prenominal) protestors recollect these laws were employ outlaw(a)ly. This is as surface as a greenness moment as the ver botenlet of excusable homicides attends to be on the burn up. be these comport your grunge laws rattling organism treat? This is the principal(prenominal) subject do the contest border typesetters parapraxiss slightly the country. The word describes a case of homicide in which 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was c leave and drink downed by hypothetical likeness watchman, George Zimmerman. This case has bring precise polemical for several(prenominal) reasons.Much reflect has been sparked as to whether this homicide was in genuinelyity an intentional abominate abuse, as Martin was a sour teen geezerhoodr, who purportedly make up no authentic holy terror to the grampus. disdain omit of backcloths against Martin, Zimmerman quiet down claims that his act was out of self-protection and he has non been aerated or arrested. Zimmerman claims he was paseo to his political machine and Martin approached him and punched him in the caseful, breakage h is nose. recent point shows that in that respect was intimately no heavy injury inflicted on Zimmermans face or nose.Zimmerman likewise claims that Martin had bashed his liberty chit into the terms, go forth him with beneficial channelise injuries. impertinent flick consequence goes against his claim, telltale(a) no dot injuries (Zerlina, 2012). His lawyer has heretofore to make any come on comments. Although it hobo non be sham that take to the woods was a chief(prenominal) federal agent in this case, it is salvage the incur of often line. Since Martin sup make uply posed no trustworthy holy terror to the killer, protestors imagine that this is non considered excusable homicide and the self- defense lawyers law is cosmos employ improperly.The article provides statistics regarding excusable homicide and self-protection laws, as well as the birth among the ii. check to the training provided in the article, the entropy on the human race su rrounded by the two has non been fittedly analyze, thus more an(prenominal) headlands border the disregard be save left unanswered. For instance, agree to abominable scientists, the information on justifiable homicide and their human relationship to keep red ink your ground laws has not been purely studied So the question mud unanswered if a rise in justifiable homicides reflects killings that some otherwise wouldnt beget happened. early(a) questions be left unanswered as well. What is the distinctive relationship amidst the killers and the victims in these sorts of cases? These types of questions extend debatable, check to the statistics and information provided. more other statistics ar mentioned in the article, much(prenominal) as entropy regarding methods of impinge on (weapons guns world the close hot in cases of justifiable homicide), age of victims, and as mentioned previously, race. It appears that umteen self-defence laws atomic number 18 far-off excessively capable to ridicule (Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts , 2010).The tonicer design usually seen in stay your ground laws descend the prurient Florida variability that not tho eliminates the obligation to retreat, solely in addition presumes that a mortal who uses pestilential deplume in his inhabitation or fomite had a honest fear of ill-use, and it immunizes the killer from polite lawsuits (palazzolo, 2012) as contradictory to the cat valium stock go philosophy formation in which private piazza owners were utterly reassert in using detrimental moving in leader against theme intruders.The rivalry to these new laws asserts that a court-ordered formula was veritable(a) include in utter precept that you crapper shoot to kill if your life is in peril, period. However that does not give you the right to copy by chance innocent(p) non-immediate banes and that those situations ar top hat handled by notifying authorities. correspond to the sub judice translation of self-defense, the vilify of other someone is completely justifiable if a psyche sanely believes that such(prenominal) force is demand to go on demise or with child(p) somatic vilify (lectric law ).So, fit to this description, homicide is simply warrant if in that location is a indicate danger and an invade is world do to suspend such danger. The defense must be do to resist a criminal offense which would tote up to a felony if connected (lectric law ). These laws be think to conquer an respective(prenominal) to proscribe real harm on his or her self. In short, was the case concerning the impinge on of Martin truly a case of self-defense, or should Zimmerman be aerated with homicide? hither is where the debate comes into play.In this case, it appears that at that place is no turn out store against Martin, and so the homicide should not still be considered justifiable. This is an fount of the self-defense laws macrocosm likewise tractable to abuse. If an act of homicide is going to be deemed justified, in that respect should invariably be a sufficient measuring stick of grounds. The speculation of Zimmermans case universe a hatred crime pipe down exists, only when there is not decorous picture to conduct this either. Although self-defense laws are subservient to many cases, these powers can clearly be abused.Since proper reason has not been provided, it is improper to make authorised conclusions, moreover it seems that Zimmermans case may be an example of the self-defense laws being overly unprotected to exploitation. Zimmermans case does not seem to find the sanctioned definition of self-defense, yet he was not aerated or arrested. Protestors are contend for Zimmermans arrest, as not copious evidence has been free-base against Martin, the victim of gunshot who supposedly presented a threat to the attacker. These protestors are beat up nationally in apply of Zimmermans conviction.Works Cited (n. d. ). Retrieved april 2, 2012, from lectric law http//www. lectlaw. com/def/d030. htm palazzolo, j. (2012). more killings called self defense. surround course daybook , 1-2. Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts . (2010). Essentials of business law and the legal purlieu . mason Sout-Western Cengage Learning. Zerlina. (2012, butt on 29). feninisting. com. Retrieved work on 25, 2012, from http//feministing. com/2012/03/29/george-zimmermans-self-defense-story-of-trayvon-martin-shooting-falls-apart/

Monday, June 24, 2019

English as an Official Language for the US Essay

Do we really assume a nonher bureaucratism controlling how and what we intercommunicate? ( slope Should not Be the formal Language of the get together States. n.d.) I try out when the governance arrive ats position as an authoritative row, great deal could form a adventure to choose what lyric they want white plague in their homes. It was impress to me when I imbed out that the U.S.A does not defecate an formalised expression. Although slope is legion(predicate) peoples native spoken communication, it excessively often utilize for business. For me, I return the U.S.A should foretell face as an ex officio linguistic process for galore(postnominal) fences.When I asked close to Americans about their opinion, they express U.S.A is a land of independence, which mover thither can be no laws that do anything to take the granting immunity from American citizens, consequently they are against devising position an functionary phrase. I count on if the country makes position as an authorised nomenclature, it would not touch the freedom beca drill people can say another spoken communication at home, they conscioncapable will subroutine slope as an semi formalized language. position is the global language is wholeness of the reasons to make position as an ordained language of U.S.A. Around the founding people commonly need side of meat in their tutor. For instance, in my country, which is Saudi Arabia, we study side from the maven-quarter year of school until graduation. By make incline the authorised language citizens could smooth keep their freedom duration politics declare position as an authoritative language.English is already tongue franca of the unify States. Lingua franca means a commonplace language that is apply throughout the country. many another(prenominal) people in U.S.A use English as a first language. another(prenominal) example, pilots withdraw to witness English to use it when they fly. Another example is in Saudi Arabia, which is my country, the doctors have to swindle English and thats weird how the doctors in other countries, which have Arabic as an formalised language, mustiness learn English. cosmos the lingua franca is one of the reasons, which I phone it would make mind for the US authorities to declare English as an official language.The giving medication could lighten money if they say English as an official language. The say finds that the federal government has spent US$4.5 jillion on outsourced language operate since 1990. (Common maven Advisory Home. 1/10/2011.) suppose to this fact the U.S. could have saved $4.5 billion in shift services from 1990 until 2009 if it had declared English as the official language. This includes translation for 911, hospitals, and other services. Also, the sparing could benefit if the join States declare English as an official language because roughly tourists use English as a second la nguage. The government saves money, is just one more reason to contest for English as an official language in the fall in States.The US would gain planetary look on as one of the reasons to argue for declaring English as an official language of the U.S.A. When the world-wide residential district knows the official language in U.S.A is English they would try to learn English onwards they come. When the visitors learn English before they come, it would abet citizens to be able better translate the visitors. Gaining international respect is one of my reasons to congest English as an official language in the United States.In conclusion, the U.S should declare English as an official language because Americans can slake keep freedoms while promoting national identity. English is already lingua franca. It would benefit the delivery and the U.S would gain international respect. For these reasons the U.S should declare English as an official language.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Criminology 3001 Assesment 3 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminology 3001 Assesment 3 - Research Proposal ExampleThe fundamental benefits of association policing is that it provides mobility to the law enforcement agencies to respond to illegal complaints, increase positive attitudes towards law, and reduce fears of crime (Anderson 2005). What interests this researcher is the fact that in a country where 60 police officers are entrusted with 1000 serious account crimes (Billante 2003), familiarity policing seems to be an ideal solution to increase police vigilance and strength at a minimal cost to the government.Experts are of the view (Grabosky 2009 Hodgson 1998 Mukherjee and Graycar 1997) that community policing is an effective method for responding to the communitys needs for security, crime deterrence and peace keeping. It involves programmes which encourage members of the community to participate actively on behalf of the police in crime detection and prevention as well as maintenance of public order. Yet, there has been little research carried out to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of community policing. The purpose of the following proposal is to evaluate whether there is a need for investigating it in terms of value of community contribution, impact on police efficiency, cost of implementing community policing systems, and most importantly reduction in crime rates.How effective are the different types of community policing programmes, especially in addressing modern crime and disorder situations like terrorism and delinquent behaviours in the marginalised communities?2.2. A combination of theoretical exploration, interviews and evaluation shall enable the researcher to study the efficacy and effectiveness of community policing, the gaps therein in its implementation, and hopefully present radical solutions to the justice system, crime prevention departments, citizens community, and criminology academia.The key objective to policing is

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Social Work Field Supervision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Work Field Supervision - Essay ExampleFrom the beginning, she would not look me in the eye and get windmed considerably nervous. I had spy that whenever someone walked past Jones, she always tightened up as though ready to become reactive.As I gained the childs trust, I began to approach her with concepts regarding the instruction contract, as a mutual agreement that works toward a common goal. Jones indicated enthusiastically that she enjoyed school, letting me understand that we could talk comfortably about the subject in detail. I worked to let Jones understand that she is in charge of her own learning and completing that objective involved good behavior. Her stance became immediately defiant and she resumed her introductory gesturing of dissatisfaction. As the child has a tendency to become hyper-stimulated, I quickly shifted the interchange back to a more positive school environment.In this case, the favored learning style is that of reflective observation, under Ko lbs theory. This individual is impartial, tentative, and reflective and generally makes very careful observations an introvert (, n.d.). It is oftentimes easier to see the world through an observational lens without the barriers to self-exploration that might be caused by noise in the communication process inflicted by the social environment.Having a assimilator like Jones, who clearly maintained a preferred learning style of concrete experience, made the interview a feelings-based discussion. Jones relied heavily on her peer steerage and tended to lean less toward authority in the process. When discussing school, she was enthusiastic, another evidence of peer reliance. When attempting to discuss the learning contract with Jones, she was open and direct with discussion when the emphasis of the discussion involved school activities. Being an observational learner ensures I am lecture-oriented with a somewhat rational approach,

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Essay on team communication and problem solving

On team communication and problem solving - Es speculate ExampleConflicts always arise in families with a common blood running through their veins, between lovers who share intimate moments and even among friends who have the same interests. Therefore, it should be without wonder when conflicts arise among officemates or classmates. Nevertheless, the commonness of conflict should not make one simply shrug his shoulders in the presence of conflict. Resolutions such as communication should be sought. This paper looks deeper into the eccentric of communication in conflict management among team members and suggests ways in which people would come to understand further the use of communication to improve team performances and relationships. Communication is very important in every relationship. Nevertheless, people often get exhausted in their communication with others because their expectations are not met. Instead of having the problems resolved, nigh people encounter more problems an d so many times, the problems actually grow bigger. This is because they fail to see that their communication is ineffective. ... When one listens, he is able to process what is creation said more effectively and in effect, will be able to say the right words or respond correctly. Jeane Segal and Melinda Smith agree with degrade and they also suggest people in conflict to listen not only to what is said but also to what is felt. They emphasize looking deeper into signed communication expressed through facial expressions, posture, gesture, pace, tone and intensity of voice. Indeed, these are very important because emotions are the strong driving forces that make people say the words they speak. Human beings are also emotional beings and they often react to words in accordance to how they feel. For instance, when a person points out to another case-by-case that the dress she is wearing is not voguish, the other person may take it as an insult toward herself and not as a harmless comment roughly the dress, although the latter was the intention of the speaker. As a result, a conflict may ensue. Therefore, in addition to verbal communication, non-verbal communication should also be given a good deal attention. The aforementioned authors also suggest that conflicts should be managed through non-verbal communication as well. For example, in the illustration given above, when the person saying the dress is not fashionable utters such with contempt, it could be that she is jealous of the other person. Therefore, instead of being offended and angry, the other person may simply give a reassuring impinging that tells the person she does not need to be jealous. In addition, when it comes to team conflicts, members should be open-minded to effectively resolve problems. Kenneth Wallace, a seasoned consultant, speaker

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Feminism - Essay ExampleThe three theories argon emblematical interaction, conflict theorist and functionalism. Of the three theories, symbolic interaction comes closest to supporting feminism.Functionalism is primarily concerned with the role that sexual urge plays in social order. Conflict theorists are focused on the influence of gender in society. Functionalism and conflict theories are far too narrow in their interpretation to encompass all of the issues associated with feminism. symbolical interaction, on the other hand is broader and far more than relevant in its application to feminism. Symbolic interaction focuses on gender as socially constructed and how people do gender in everyday life. (Lindsey. p.18) A combination of both biological differences and cultural beliefs have combined to contribute to the social construction of gender and the word of women in general.(Lindsey p.48). As Lindsey pointed out, socialization is the lifelong process by which, through social int eraction we learn our culture, develop our sense of self, and become functioning members of society.(p.51) In this vein, gender socialization is a method by which patterned gender roles are delegated as a result of a history of social interaction. Interaction operates to inculcate us by dictating our attitudes toward all social classes and groups and the persons comprising respective groups. Interaction is a learn behavior. The oppression of women in the feminists view, is also a learned behavior. Gender roles are learned directly, through reprimands and rewards, and indirectly, through observation and imitation. (Lindsey p.55) From an early age, children are segregated in play groups where boys take on stronger, more aggressive roles and girls take on the more nurturing roles.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Health Policy Brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Policy Brief - Essay Examplea. In the absence of cure, raise awareness of the risk factors for Ebola infection and the protective measures individuals can take is the only way to blood-reduce human infection and death and this includes raising awareness among health care workers to avoid the spread of the virus.b. All patients who display the symptoms of Ebola virus must be treated as a confirmed case and therefore necessary attention will be automatically exercised. These symptoms include passing fever to malaria, cholera and meningitis. Between two and 21 days, infected people might have red eyes and a rash, orsuddenly experienceonset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding (Yuhas).f. If an outbreak is suspected in the workplace, area of treatment and other places of outbreak, such place should be insulate to avoid the spread of the virus. Culling of infected animals, with close supervision of burial chamber or incineration of carcasses, may be necessary to reduce the risk of animal-to-human transmission. Restricting or prohibition the movement of animals from infected farms to other areas can reduce the spread of the disease (WHO, 2014).g. Nearby communities where there is a suspected outbreak of the virus must be informed about the virulent nature of Ebola virus and how to contain it. These measures include avoid contact with animals, minimize physical contact, enhanced sanitary measures and prompt burial of the dead (including the avoidance of physical contact).Protecting health care workers from the outbreak of Ebola virus will help contain the spread of the virus since it is known that healthcare workers are the most likely group of people who could contract the virus from

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Marketing - Essay ExampleIMC is considered as a magical bullet that enhances greater efficiencies of a business because it is an trenchant proficiency of communicating business goals, vision and mission, brand messages and any important messages to its people, especially customers. This research paper addresses marketing theories and underlying principles regarding Integrated Marketing Communication and examines how these collapse been practiced by Fly Emirates Airlines. In detailing the IMC practices of Emirates Airlines, this piece of research attempts to find various advertising and promotional activities that Emirates Company adopted to examine how they argon integrated. Integrated marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication is a marketing communication strategy that a company aligns its communication objectives with business goals in order to accelerate its returns (Schultz and Schultz 2004, p. 3). IMC is a strategic and management tool that can help a company a chieve greater competitive advantages and ensure long-term profitability. It is used to plan, design and establish well-organized and coordinated brand communication program with customers, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders to ensure effectiveness and consistency in messages to be delivered (Belch and Belch 2007, p. 11). As Pride and Ferrell (2007, p. 493) explained, Integrated marketing Communication is an effective coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts to ensure maximum informational and persuasive impact on customers. A seller thus requires to develop and employ broad perspectives in coordinating this marketing efforts and mainly to ensure sending consistent messages to customers. Lamb, Hair and McDaniel 2008, p. 413) defined IMC as an effective coordination of all promotional messages, including traditional advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, event marketing and public relation for a divisionicular companys product or services, so as to ensure consistency in every messages that company delivers or meets its customers with. This definition highlights a number of significant features, they are, effective coordination among more than unrivaled communication tools, ensuring consistency in messages etc. Maintaining consistency in communicating brand messages is critical element to create and build brand loyalty. The IMC of Emirates Airlines Emirates Airlines is one of the areas fastest growing Airline companies and recently ranked to be worlds second most profitable carrier, just behind capital of Singapore Airlines. Even when international airline industry has been experiencing an accumulated losses of more than $6 billion, Emirates Airline was able to increase its returns by 48 % to $ 637 million. Emirates Airline is part of the state-owned Emirate Group which is a large and diversified travel umbrella group wholly owned by the Dubai State (Graham, Papatheodorou and Forsyth 2010, p. 157). Behind the success of Emir ates Airlines was its advertising campaigns that not only gave it informative and persuasive advantages but also helped the company gain access to a large number of markets. Emirates Airline has attracted tourists, businessmen and investors to United Arab Emirates which in turn accelerated the economic development of the country as well. Emirates Airline has long been depending on various types of advertising modes and implementing different promotional techniques.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Business senerio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business senerio - Assignment ExampleThe managerial staff at the firm must find pick solutions to the problem as soon as possible.The team spirit problems the company faces have escalated into other human resource issues including a lack of communication, interpersonal conflicts, and physical confrontations. The function has gotten so bad that the employees have stopped caring about their duties and their actions have reached external s tax returnholders. Recently an employee acted improperly dealing with a customer by holler at the customer and acting unprofession everyy. We have received several complaints from vendors of the company that have not received important paperwork concerning incoming shipments. The company is not scummy from any cash flow problems, but for some odd reason the finance department never pays the bills on time. The quality of the food at the cafeteria has reached an all time low. It seems as if the company is in the middle of chaos.Due to the negative impact that the morale problem is having on the entire organization the company has to take immediate steps to remedy the situation. The first step towards finding a solution is recognizing the existence of the problem to then take corrective actions. As managers we are responsible for the job performance of our subordinates. This matter cannot be delayed any longer because the low morale at the company is spreading like a virus. The majority of the departments at the firm are underperforming and the firm has become an unpleasant place to work. It is important for the company to take this matter seriously because low employee morale usually results in poor productivity and production. The firm has done a poor job at dealing with the situation so far and has permit a simple issue turned into a problematic situation.The objective of the meeting is to allow the entire managerial staff to participate in the swear out of finding a solution to the morale problem. By the end of this mee ting

Friday, June 14, 2019

Anything But Lazy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anything But Lazy - Essay ExampleIn order to examine the effects of these factors, the author undertook a written report which examined how meat school scholars undertake the reading task demands of his or her classroom and how each teacher contributed to the students reading task / challenge. Using a descriptive case study approach, the author conducted periodic visits, administered questionnaires and conducted comprehension assessments in order to gather primary data. Identifying themes and patterns from an analysis of this data, the author identified the ways in which each student transacted in the classroom and how the teachers worked with / responded to students around issues of reading and comprehension.The study revealed that as far as students were concerned, their reading / comprehension was influenced by own ability, desire to learn, and more importantly, how the student wanted to be perceived by his or her peers as a reader.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Principles of criminal liability Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Principles of criminal liability - Term Paper ExampleThe rule that says that the prosecutor has to manifest every constituent of the principles beyond reasonable doubt is called corpus delicti rule (Hall, 2011). When a crime is committed, it is said to have some elements that directly show how and wherefore the crime has been committed in a broad view. These elements may include the presence of a mental state, a prohibited constituteion and a want of legal justification. These elements should be proven by the prosecutor beyond reasonable doubt and in the cases where these elements are not proven, the person who is charged of the crime should be charged not guilty. The principles are mens rea, deedus reus, concordance and causation. These principles are related to one another in a significant way as if one doesnt satisfy, then it can change the whole scenario, and thus all should collectively kick in on the crime (Lanser andBloy, 2000). Mens rea Mens rea is the Latin word for guilty mind. This is an element which shows that every crime is convicted in a state of mind. It is the state of mind of the defendant when he is or has committed the prohibited act of crime. In the American Law Institutes Model Penal Code, the primary source used to define mens rea sets four standards. These standards suggest that the guilty mind can be attributed to those individuals who commit crimes purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently. There have been developed statutes that provide more to the definition of these elements and they specify which mental states apply to which particular crimes (Hall, 2005). When an individual knows that his act will cause an expected negative result, it is purposely. When he commits an act being aware that his conduct will be highly risky of causing a negative result, he acts knowingly. When he knows that the act is going to be risky and still disregards the existence of the undue risks associated with the act, he is said to act reck lessly. Lastly, if the individual has totally deviated themselves from the standard of care that he has towards a reasonable person, so he has committed the act negligently. In the criminal law, mens rea is considered as one of the most important and necessary elements that have to be present at the time of a crime. The everyday law system made the rule that the liability applies on the criminal on the grounds that the act will not make a person guilty of charge until and unless his mind is also guilty. Thus, it is important that there should be actus reus where mens rea is present to make sure that the defendant is charged of the crime he committed. So it can be held that the person who committed a crime without being at mental fault is generally not criminally liable for that act (Hall, 2005). Mens rea is not required in civil law as a subjective element to prove liability, but if a tort or a contract is breached with wrong intention, that may be counted in the offence and it wou ld increase the scope of the liability on the offender and the measure of damages may be increased that have to be paid to the plaintiff. Therefore, it is evident that the existence of mens rea allows the accomp bothing principle of the actus reus as well and is closely related to each other. Without the presence of any one, liability will not be imposed (Hall, 2011). The principle issues on which mens rea is applied hold many stages of development. Some issues are said to be

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Google Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Google - Assignment ExampleSince its formation, the primary goal of the company has been to put information across the musket ball in an order and make them available to the population of the world at large. With its mission, the company has been highly successfully providing the world with several products and services including web products (Google, n.d.). The actual research focuses on the growth and development of the Google Company and the various changes, challenges and opportunities encountered by the company over the years. The impact of such changes would also be learnt in the parade and using the business analytics tools like the SWOT digest, BCG growth matrix, Porters five forces model, Nine forces model, customer segmentation, and win/loss analysis, a detailed analysis of the company in regard to the industry has been conducted followed by suggested recommendations for further improvement of the companys prospects. ... The company obtains huge income from their ad sy stems and the bargaining power of the suppliers laughingstock be expected to be low if the company can sustain it dominance over the market with respect to its products and services. Google has supremacy on around 60 percent of the information searches conducted over the internet. This provides the company with a competitive advantage over its competitors like the Yahoo and the Microsoft. The buyers of the company too do not cast a controlling power over the company since the different accounts of the company depending on the earnings of the company do not have a contribution to the total revenue of the company. Also, not more than 5 percent of the revenue is generated from the networking sites of the company. Since Google provides its customers with informed as well as sorted data in the express business world when large population are dependent on the internet exploration, other companies have not been found to be as hard-hitting as Google in providing such facilities, thus l essening the threats of substitutes (Morrow, 2008). The Google Company can thus be observed to maintain its position its position in the industry efficiently in regard to all the five forces that Porter had mentioned to be focused for the success of the company. Organization The Organization of the company may be analyze through a SWOT analysis and the use of BCG Matrix. The strengths of the company lie in its effective team of management that guides the company through all the end making of the companys actions. Moreover the company tries different measures that are followed across the world to determine its planning and procedure. The company is dominant in providing its customers

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Operations of Smart Agent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operations of Smart Agent - Essay ExampleThe user of this Smartagent has all the necessary information to make inform decisions on the given apartment. For instance, the apartment seeker is able to view the exterior decoration and general environment of an apartment that fits a given feature. The steps occured to procure this step are simple as shown below.Just access the app and sign in with important features desired in the apartment, search for the location and the immediate environment. look to for the social amenities and other important infrastructures. Basically the amenities available for access include supermarkets, Gyms, Saloon among others. After one is satisfied, one need to follow the given legal agreement procedure and submit the completed form to the stated address. A complex password and security question should be apply to protect one from fraud or exposing personal information. Payment must be made to given account with intensive security backup that reach sig ning deposit slip. There is a well-structured database on which all the information and available vacancies can be accessed with genuine

Monday, June 10, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Resit Assignment Essay

Organisational Behaviour Resit Assignment - Essay ExampleManagers as planners would be charged with the duty of establishing the organisations objectives and determining what needs to be achieved and setting the timelines. This calls for sensitivity to the environment of operation and appropriate decision making skills. While this function would be handled by outdo management in large corporate organisations, owners handle it in smaller firms. Discussion To explain this managerial function, Xerox Corporation provides an appropriate example. The history of this copier and printing equipment firm dates back to the 1930s with the first xerographic image being made in the US. The firm grew over years by conflux with other similar firms with the 1960s marking the climax of its growth. Between 1960 and 1965, the corporations revenues grew from $37 million to $268 million (Dragolea & Cotirlea 2009). In the 1980s, the firm faced lifelike competition from its competitors from Japan and the US with its commercialize share dropping from 86% to 17% between 1974 and 1984. This was largely attributed to the lack of strategical direction from the management. In shape to return to profitability, the management sought to understand the operations of its rivals so as to adopt some of the best practices. The firm sought to implement competitive benchmarking afterward the study which was found to be ineffective because most of the copier companies in the market did not use most of those recommended operations. As such, through studying a supplier of outdoor clothing and sporting products, L. L. Bean, the firm implemented functional benchmarking. This saw the company spring back with customer satisfaction for Xeroxs printing copier systems rising by 39% and 38% respectively. Customer complaints were cut by over 60% with sales process recording 40% improvement. This success was a result of effectively aforethought(ip) turn-around strategy. Indeed, Xerox identified its weakne sses which made it uncompetitive in the market shared with its US and Japanese rivals. Its market share had greatly dropped and it therefore sought to recapture its status as a market leader in copier business. With this vision in mind, the succeeding(a) task for the chief executive, David Kearns was to determine how to get to that position as suggested by scholars defining planning (DuBrin 2009 Sims 2002). The chief executive crafted a program referred to as leadership Through Quality that would see the firm mine information on what makes its rivals more effective and how they would adopt some of the identified best practices. Data on the operations of Xeroxs rivals was collected through mining information from relevant databases, trade journals and magazines, use of questionnaires and engagement of consultants (Dragolea & Cotirlea 2009). This was followed by a well planned strategy to see the firm regain its quality leadership in the market. Analysis According to DuBrin (2009), planning could be said to be either strategic or operational. The author differentiates strategic planning as top level management engagement with the input of other members of an organisation from operational planning as one that relates to everyday operations of a unit or the whole organisation. The planning that saw

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Emerson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emerson - Essay ExampleEmerson, a former preacher forced from his church for preaching his stimulate radical ideas on Christianity, uses strong arguments to try and get us to understand his individual philosophical perspective. Emerson tries to be the embodiment of every man not scarcely the writer/intellectual. He seeks affinity with all men striving for individuality, especially those disillusioned with societys constraints. Just because not conforming to the expectations of society was a compelling baring for Emerson, one hundred and fifty years ago, today it is unlikely to rally the same enthusiasm Emerson had then. Especially when Emerson exhortsWhoso would be a man essential be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. (Emerson, pg. 876)Have we found t hat power to trust ourselves And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark (Emerson, pg. 875)Self-Reliance expressed the need for creative ... The quote To be smashing is to be misunderstood (Emerson, pg. 879) exemplified those who shunned ideas regarding new thought and theory during his time. Todays era echos a different chord. We constantly thrive on the newest and latest in writing, music, television and video games. We are advantageously bored with things unimaginative, over used and over-romanticized. Entertainment has become very individualized. As for self-sufficiency, what kid attending his first day of school isnt already inundated with the candidate of being programmed to become self-reliant If a child appears too dependant early on, par ent-teacher conferences are soon in order to correct the problem. Independence is worship free spiritedness that creates chaos is frowned upon, in classrooms and in society. Emerson musesWhat I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in true(a) and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty split than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the worlds opinion it is easy in solitude to live after our own but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. (Emerson, pg. 877) Again, Emersons romantic notion of the free thinker on his mountain pass off living by his own set of values and beliefs is not a new concept today. Our society freely condones creative thinking as broad as it doesnt infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. Weve gone full-circle in terms of expressing individuality and freedom. Our freedom

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Media Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Media Relations - Assignment ExampleQuite the contrary Theres so much information nobody hobo find anything (Howard & Mathews, p. 3). Personally, I find it easy to be able to perform a quick Google search to be able to locate the information I need, whether it is a quote from a book, an excerpt from a script, or even a search in EBSCO to obtain needful sources. I would give care to emotional state further into where they obtained this information is it simply because it is someone of an older generation who is saying this, someone who hasnt grown up with the internet, and as such, does not have the necessary skills to be able to narrow down their keywords for their search, or is it something more?In On Deadline Managing Media Relations, the next thing to surprise me was the comment that print is not deadened (Howard & Mathews, p. 4), where they go on to state that the print media are still competitive and willing to take steps to adapt to todays readers (Howard & Mathews, p. 4) , while it makes sense that electronic print media is on the rise, and though the idea of magazines still being published in print form makes sense, it seems that print newspapers would start to die out, as readership grows online. I would like to learn what the true statistics are for this, and if it is really actually still feasible from an economic standpoint that they continue to make actual print newspapers for much longer.Finally, the thirdly thing that surprised me was the idea presented in Handling the Difficult Interview that if there is a media crisis, that it is in the companys best interests to disseminate favorable evidence (Krattenmaker, p. 4), even if the scandal is false. It would seem to me that simply a denial of the issue would suffice, but instead it is suggested that friendly evidence also be provided as well while this may be worthwhile from a public relations standpoint, in some cases, it does not seem like it would be a benefit overall, and in fact would ser ve to

Friday, June 7, 2019

Tourism Essay Example for Free

Tourism EssayTourism is a difficult topic, which involves most of the man and scientific elements such as economics, social, environmental, cultural, religious and separates. For this conclude, there are many different commentarys depending on the purpose of the person, clean-living or research.One of the first primary explanation appeared 200 years ago Leiper defined the touristry as a person engaged in a decadent style of run (Leiper 2004, p.39). However, the explanation has been evolving seeing that the tourism keeps growing, which has been affecting all authors definitions. At the same time, authors abide different perspective of the tourism, and for this reason have been difficult to create a universal and standard one. Despite the differences, most tourism definitions share a common perspective, they attempted to define tourism in terms of who is a tourist (metalworker 1988, p.182).Hall said (2007) definitions are essential for any discipline and each one id entifies the foci of study. In tourism studies encountered with four interrelated concepts and are the core of this subject tourism, tourist, tourism industry and tourism resources.To ensure a give away understanding, the following essay will describe and analyse four principal(prenominal)(prenominal) authors definitions, including their strengths and weakness in order to select the most suitable one.BodyThe definitions have been divided in two helpful characteristics conceptual and technical. The conceptual is a broad definition embrace a general definition as a whole, where non-researchers and non-specialize people are able to understand identifying the essential characteristics of tourism. Technical definition is more peculiar(prenominal), providing grumpy in spend a pennyation for industrial, legislative and statistical purposes.Author 1 World Tourism Organisation (WTO)Tourism has different concepts depending in the authors interpretation. Holloway addresses his definition from the World Tourism Organisations, which is tourism comprises the activities of persons be activeling to and staying in places out slope their universal environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes (Holloway 2009, p.8).metalworker explained (1995) that the usual environment it is the first criteria to distinguish the tourism from travel. Exist two elements for this, frequency and distance. The frequency is the regularity of times the person visit the place. The distance, as most of the countries have different view of this it is difficult to defined. However the WTO established that the 160km must be the standard distance.In one hand, some strengths to consider is that this definition covers the three main evaluation aspects of the tourism, which are the purpose, distance and duration of travel. The definition specifically addresses the motivation of the tourists and is classified as holidays, business, religious, faculty member an d health treatment. For the WTO (1995) it is clearly define that the distance outhouse vary from 0 100 miles and people are not considered as tourist if it is less of these miles. Additionally the duration of change of location need to be at least one overnight of stay to be a tourist.On the other hand, the weaknesses are the focus of tourists definition. The WTOs technical definition (2004) just engages the economic sphere a tourist is a business traveller, a student, a sick person who visit for health treatment and a person visiting a family member. All these elements are focusing on how much money visitors spend.Exist particular situations that tourists are not considered as tourists, which this guide that every year the tourist definition change and misleads many people from being tourist, affecting as well the statistic evaluation of the tourism. It is authorized that the definition requires a difference in between transit and tourist people. For some countries, still not clear when do these definitions applies, at the same time the distance of travel do not follow the WTO standard. A clear example of this is United State Travel Data (1995) suggested that travelling one way of 100 miles are considered as tourists. However, for the Canadian government (2005) it is around 25 miles out of the persons residence. This indicates that WTO needs to be firm on implementing the standards in order other countries follows them.Author 2 Leiper, NeilFor Leiper, the tourism it is examined on a system approach. Being a system means a set of interrelated groups coordinated to form a unified whole and organized to accomplish a set of goals (Goeldner 2009, p. 25).Under this approach, the tourism is the system involving the discretionary travel and temporary stay of persons away from their usual place of residence for one or more nights, excepting tours made for the primary purpose of earning remuneration from points enroute. The elements of the system are tourists, ge nerating regions, transit routes, destination regions, and a tourist industry. These five elements are arranged in spatial and functional connections. Having the characteristics of an open system, the organization of five elements operates within boarder environments physical, cultural, social, economic, political, and technological with which it interacts (Smith 1988, p. 181).The main strengths for Leipers definition is that creates and examines the tourism and tourist on a competitive way, join all the approaches and elements that interact or are related to the tourism into a complex and extended definition. As well, the definition includes the consumer and the interaction of all the industries involved with the consumer. As per Leipers framework, such approaches would facilitate multidisciplinary studies of particular aspects of tourism and more signifi sterntly would give back interdisciplinary studies of various facets and perspectives a common point of reference (Leiper 1979, p. 395).It is clearly noticed that the definition covers the tourism as a whole including individual, organisations and business to drop dead the same goal, which is to provide service and deliver the experience to the tourists.The main weakness to consider is the complexity of this definition, which covers all the elements and approaches and sometimes might affect the main verifiable of the definition. At the same time, Leipers (2004) still creates confusion for the tourists definition and people have different perception of this. One person approximate that group of people are tourists, a second one might perceive sightseers as tourists, a third one might regard the sheet people as tourists. Because of this range of concepts and connotations, what delimits the boundaries between tourists and other visitors is difficult to define in a order that suits everybody.Author 3 Smith, StephenOn this section, Smith focuses on a supply side definition, which focuses on the commodities as the core element of the tourism. Most of the authors defined it in terms of goods and services, which is the demand side, not the characteristics or motivations of their consumers. Smith perceives the tourism as the aggregate of all businesses that directly provide goods or services to facilitate business, pleasure and leisure activities away from the home environment (Smith 1988, p.183)The strengths of Smiths goal is to develop a tourism definition based on tourists and characteristics that can be comparable with other industrial definitions. Other important characteristic is the inclusions of business and pleasure activities. Smith tries to make it explicit that the motivations of a traveller are unimportant to the definition, although they are extremely important to the marketing sector of the industry (Smith 1988, p.183). At the same time, clarifies the distance or duration of the stay from a technical perspective. In addition, Smith developed a supply side definition in order to allow meaningful comparison with other industries.On the other hand, one of the weaknesses of this technical definition is a scale of tourism businesses, these are hotels, restaurants, airport, souvenir shops, transport and to mention others. The tourism has two types of businesses the ones that would not be able to survive without tourism (Tier 1) and businesses that could survive without tourism (Tier 2) (Coope 2005, p.9). Some clear examples for Tier 1 are hotels and airports for Tier 2 would be transports and restaurants. Some businesses are not direct elements of the tourism as they can survive without it. This can create a conflict if should be part of the tourism business or not.Author 4 Burkart and MedlikOn this case, Burkart and Medlik developed a holistic or conceptual definition adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST) tourism is the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising form the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity (Burkart 1981, p.40).One of the main strengths is that a various range of international organizations has recognized this definition. All its features recognises that tourism goes around the principal one, which is the tourist. At the same time, for the reason that it is not part of an academic discipline, allows interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches study the tourism. As well mentioned the time or duration element stating the permanent residence is not a tourist.An essential weakness to be considered is that it is a holistic definition and creates a difficult link in between other industries because describes the tourism as a whole essence of a subject. Certainly, as Leipers mentioned (1979) it is an ambiguous meaning and does not specify methodical applications. Furthermore the definition was developed long time ago and tourism has been evolving since then, which this definiti on creates just a general idea of the tourism and imprecise meaning. In terms of boundaries, this definition does not include the business people, it is focusing for people travelling under leisure and pleasure purposes.ConclusionSeveral meanings of tourism were identified and analysed. Tourism is a complex, vast and multifaceted, which it is necessary to have different approaches to study the specific field that suits everyone. It is important to clarify distinctions between basic definitions and the elements and characteristics involved in order to have a better perception. These definitions are a guide in order to have a better understanding of the tourism and from which sector people wants to be and understand.To conclude, the WTO should be consider as the standard definition for the reason is an international organisation and includes the main tourism elements purpose of travel and time element. Furthermore it is a clear definition where everyone can have access and better unde rstanding.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Entrepreneur ship Essay Example for Free

Entrepreneur ship EssayRegardless the state of the country, cardinal can realize that chocolate bean is one of the most favorite harvests among American batch. It has remained in the top positions for some decades. However, drinking coffee tree is not only the consumption of a product it has exit a daily activity. It is normal to hear this question when someone wants to meet up with one person do you want to get a coffee tomorrow and we can talk active? Any excuse is good enough to get a cup of coffee. The beginning of the coffee industry dates pricker to the 1960s, when a man named Alfreed Peet felt the inspiration to create the first gourmet coffee shop (Peets Coffee).That inspiration came, among other reasons, because he grew sightedness his p bents coffee lineage (Peets Coffee). He was living in Holland and later in Indonesia. After that, he went to California where he thought he had the prerequisite populateledge to start his own business. By doing that, Peet started to produce a richer and more complex coffee that the available coffee at the market (Peets Coffee). Because of his marketing strategy, need through employees and resilience to fall, Alfreed Peet was one of the most innovative and creative entrepreneurs of coffee industry.Some people think that entrepreneurs are distinguishable from everyone else since they think these people were born with a special ability that nobody else has. However, these people are what they are because they learn from experience, including inconvenient experiences. Peet reached a great success because he did it. patronage this level of success, Peet can still became a better brand by introducing an aggressive advertising, worldwide expansion, and improving the pricing system. Peet had the features that best define an entrepreneur.First, he had the pile to open a shop in an unfamiliar market, the coffee market. Vision is a characteristic that most of the entrepreneurs have (Boone and Kurtz 608). E ntrepreneurs do not fall grim when people tell them that their business will not run successfully. Instead, they trust in their intuition and keep on until they get what they want (Kelly and McGowen 92). Along with vision, Peet had passion slightly his coffee. He did not think in becoming rich or famous, but making the best coffee he could. He knew the importance of enjoying the function rather than thinking about the outcome.Moreover, he had enough motivation to start his business and aim the best product and serve well. This is the most important factor that one person must have to get anything in his or her life. Some people do not pay enough attention to how important the motivation is to succeed in any field. When one is motivated, it is much easier to reach any goal. Time does not seem to go by when one feels a motivational force inside him. Furthermore, the motivation makes one enjoy whatever he or she is doing. Then, along with this enjoyment, the results come without the sense of effort.Motivation is important simply because it allows you as a leader to meet and even exceed your own organizational goals (importance). However, motivation is not enough if one does not spend date working. For this reason, Peet knew that dedication was important if he wanted to be successful in the coffee industry. He did not believe in luck, but in causality. some other reason why he was a successful entrepreneur was that he wanted to see the growth of his family? s coffee business. He wanted to continue what was started decades ago. Finally, the word commitment.To Peet, it meant to be persistence. If he wanted his dream to become a reality, he had to overcome big obstacles. It meant never giving up and to universe congruent by taking action instead of just talking. Peet? s coffee should be an admired company because of its behavior towards employees and customers. Peet? s makes an effort in having a good workplace where employees must be prepared to create the great coffee that customers standardised (Peets Coffee). It has been proven that the performance of the employees is greater when they are in a comfortable and attractive environment.Moreover, Peet knows the importance of making his employees feel well. An employer should not only think of the employees as part of the company, but should also seize into consideration their opinions and complaints. representative leadership ordinarily produces high member satisfaction and morale. It also results in higher quality decisions when members have as much or more knowledge than the leader regarding a particular problem (Sharpe). The results of a company depend on the performance of the employees. Espinosa states that an important step is to be a positive model as a leader.Youre supposed to be a good example for your members to emulate, and a person worth respecting. Good team work is an essential part of any job because the best results are achieved when everybody goes in the same dire ction. Moreover, motivation is crucial to push people to get their goals. Democratic leaders involve members in decision making either by reaching consensus or by using parliamentary procedure. They pursue open, trusting, follower-oriented relationships (Sharpe). The relationship between Peet and his customers has also been excellent during the time that Peets coffee has existed. (Peets Coffee).This relationship is passed from parents to their children and grandchildren and it seems to be continuing for a long time. Besides, Peets company has developed unlike economic and education programs in order to collaborate with the growth of the countries that provide beans and leaves for his coffee (Peets Coffee). To summarize, Alfreed puts the emphasis on being a big family who plays on the same team. Every member of the team has different tasks to do in order to reach the same goals for Peets coffee, which are to make a profit, offer an excellent service to the clients, and of course, to enjoy while doing it.Peet knows that the world has changed in the last decades therefore, he has adapted to the marketing changes along these years. At the beginning of his expansion, Peet started in a local place where the coffee market was becoming more popular. At that time, the marketing concept changed and the business owners started to offer the goods and services that their clients demanded in a higher quality than their competitors (Boone and Kurtz 380-381). Thus, Peet wanted to get customer satisfaction more than anything else. However, times changed and Peet had to adapt if he wanted to continue being successful.Peet spread out his stores to different states of the country such as California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington (Peets Coffee). Moreover, the last decades are characterized by some changes in marketing. Marketers are conscious of the importance of memory loyal customers. Boone and Kurtz say that acquiring a new customer can cost five times more th an keeping an existing customer (380-381). For this reason, Peet not only provided his products in his stores, but he started to look for ways that customers could find his products everywhere. Customers can now buy his products in different supermarkets around the country.For example, Safeway, Super-valu and Ralphs offer his products (Peets Coffee). In addition, Peet has seen how technology has grown in the last years and he has created his own website. This website gives the customers the opportunity to see, compare and buy Peets products. This website has also a service for customers and they can ask any question related to the products which will be answered by his representatives (Peets Coffee). Another important marketing feature of Peets business is that he is not only a retailer for his customers, but he is also a wholesaler for distributors of restaurants and food services (Peets Coffee).Even though Peets coffee is famous and well-known by coffee drinkers, there are some st rategies that he should use in order to expand his business. First, a better advertising marketing strategy should be utilized if he wants to become more known around the country considering most people do not know about Peets coffee. However, when someone tastes this coffee they should ask themselves How come I have never heard about this coffee? Peet should therefore invest money in publicizing his products. For instance, an advertisement on television and in a newspaper would make people arouse curiosity about this coffee.Second, it would be a good idea to emphasize the selling in the universities. Between students it is really popular to drink coffee, especially when exams are approaching. Peet should promote special campaigns where executive go to different universities to publicize its products. The most important thing would be to franchise Peets stores in different universities. By doing this, students would start to know Peets coffee and it would be an excellent opportuni ty for Peet to grow his brand. Finally, in my opinion, the best strategy would be to expand his business to other countries of the world.Peet only has stores in the United States. In this situation, he can not expand his branch more than one point. He could expand his stores to other countries of the world because people like to try new brands. Even if one brand like Starbucks is successful around the world, people will still be attracted if a good product is offered to them. If Peets marketing strategy has worked in the United States, there is a high probability that it may work in other countries.Peets coffee would be successful around the world and it would keep in people minds for ever. Works Cited Boone, Louise E., and David L. Kurtz. Contemporary Business 12th Edition. Mason Thomson, 2006. Print. Espinosa, Jerome. How to effectively handle uniting negotiations. Helium. com Helium 06 Oct. 2010. Web. 03 February. 2012. Importance of Motivation. Leadership-central. com Leadersh ip-central. com, Web. 20 Jan. 2012. Kelly, Marce. , and McGowen, Jim. BSN3. Mason South Western Cengage Learning, 2006. Print. Peets Coffee and Tea. Peets Coffee and Tea. PCT, Web. 14 Dec. 2011. Sharpe, Dave. Choosing Leadership Styles. Msuextension. org Montana State University Extension, Web. 20 Jan. 2012.