Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Feminism - Essay ExampleThe three theories argon emblematical interaction, conflict theorist and functionalism. Of the three theories, symbolic interaction comes closest to supporting feminism.Functionalism is primarily concerned with the role that sexual urge plays in social order. Conflict theorists are focused on the influence of gender in society. Functionalism and conflict theories are far too narrow in their interpretation to encompass all of the issues associated with feminism. symbolical interaction, on the other hand is broader and far more than relevant in its application to feminism. Symbolic interaction focuses on gender as socially constructed and how people do gender in everyday life. (Lindsey. p.18) A combination of both biological differences and cultural beliefs have combined to contribute to the social construction of gender and the word of women in general.(Lindsey p.48). As Lindsey pointed out, socialization is the lifelong process by which, through social int eraction we learn our culture, develop our sense of self, and become functioning members of society.(p.51) In this vein, gender socialization is a method by which patterned gender roles are delegated as a result of a history of social interaction. Interaction operates to inculcate us by dictating our attitudes toward all social classes and groups and the persons comprising respective groups. Interaction is a learn behavior. The oppression of women in the feminists view, is also a learned behavior. Gender roles are learned directly, through reprimands and rewards, and indirectly, through observation and imitation. (Lindsey p.55) From an early age, children are segregated in play groups where boys take on stronger, more aggressive roles and girls take on the more nurturing roles.

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